澳门新濠娱乐开户’s 桥梁战略计划2021-2022 served as a roadmap to strengthen our efforts in pursuit of a shared vision, and was designed to help us emerge from the global pandemic as a better university — stronger, 更有弹性,为未来做好更充分的准备.
Lessons learned during this time were used to inform the university’s current five-year strategic plan, “通过澳门新濠娱乐开户体验激发人类潜能,” to ensure our continued leadership in providing transformative educational experiences for the citizens of North Carolina and beyond. 了解更多App State 2022-2027战略计划.
The 桥梁战略计划2021-2022 supported critical initiatives necessary to sustain the university’s mission and vision. This plan was created as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to provide an interim roadmap to guide App State through a time of financial and societal uncertainty.
2020年初秋, a faculty and 工作人员 working group began developing this plan as a bridge between the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan, 《澳门新濠娱乐开户经验:展望一个公正和可持续的未来,以及当前的五年战略计划. Priorities and suggestions focusing on the near future were collected from a broad range of campus stakeholders. 然后,工作组将这些信息综合起来形成这个计划.
桥梁战略计划的重点是支持学生的健康和福祉, 教职员工, 保持学术卓越, and ensuring essential business operations while continuing our work toward 包容 excellence and sustainability. It was also an opportunity for the campus community to build on its collective resilience and strengths in order to innovate and thrive.
澳门赌场导航娱乐认识到,大流行病后的世界可能需要新技术, 流程和期望. 在此计划期间, 澳门赌场导航娱乐观察到, 通过学习和调整,App State可以应对高等教育的新要求.
- 加强和保持COVID-19应对措施
- 维护优先考虑运行状况的资源, 安全, 以及所有学生的福祉, 工作人员, 和老师
将资源集中用于卫生, 安全, 以及应对COVID-19的福利措施,以确保安全的校园环境.
优先支持精神卫生资源, 进一步发展和促进学习机会, 以及健康培训, 安全, 和幸福. 支持灵活的教学和学习机会, 在家中上班, 加强专业发展工作, 研究, 生活平衡.
- 增强学生的学习体验
- Provide support for excellence and innovation in teaching, research, and scholarly activities
机构对学生体验的承诺仍然很强. Continue to provide support for students in all learning environments while reestablishing in-person learning where appropriate. Support strategies to reduce inequities for student access to instructional technology tools, 加强学术参与, 并确保学生能够访问虚拟学术资源, 例如远程学习环境中的辅导和学术建议. Strengthen existing 项目 and develop additional online and 混合动力 opportunities to include more co-curricular and global learning experiences for students.
Exp和老师 development to include the integration of responsive and 包容 online, 混合动力, 以及为所有学生创造丰富经验的面对面学习方法. Continue planning efforts supporting the post-pandemic role of online and 混合动力 course delivery.
在澳门赌场导航娱乐通过拨款写作促进学术活动的势头下继续发展, 协作伙伴关系, 内部和跨学科的指导, 直接参与虚拟会议. Enhance infrastructure for hosting virtual conferences and other learning activities and leverage wide-ranging 协作伙伴关系.
- 维持学生入学目标
- 寻求额外的资金来源
Advance student 招聘 and retention initiatives to meet current and future enrollment targets. Identify markets for growth potential, including App State Online pathways 和程序. Ensure 资源 and fundraising initiatives align with App State’s commitment to support student learning experiences and a safe and healthy campus community.
Target external funding sources for merit- and need-based scholarships to support the existing and prospective student body. Focus 资源 to support the success of regional, national, and international grant applications. Identify additional funding opportunities to support academic excellence and other essential activities.
Ensure faculty and 工作人员 positions align with the demands of current and future student enrollment. Continue to advocate for funding model adjustments to adequately support the university’s mission and provide competitive faculty and 工作人员 compensation.
- 继续支持大学的学术使命
- 确定支持校园活动的效率
优先考虑信息技术解决方案, 资源, and security to support the digital teaching and learning experience for faculty and students, 以及教职员工的远程办公. 进一步发展资讯科技应用, 系统, 硬件, and training to support a flexible and streamlined end-user experience for online education and business needs. 制定远程办公制度. 开发创新和提高机构资源效率, 包括财务状况, 设施, 信息系统, 公用事业公司, 以及其他校园活动. 集中学术领域、服务和设施之间的有效协调.
- 确保校园是一个包容和热情的社区
- 支持保留学生、员工和教职员工
- 继续招聘学生、员工和教职员工
为社区的所有成员营造一个友好的氛围, 认识到学生, 工作人员, 当教师感到受到重视时,他们会更好地学习和工作. 将持续的努力和资源集中在高效的学生身上, 工作人员, 以及留住教职员工, 招聘, 专业发展, 领导才能促进多元化, 包容, 以及公平的校园社区. Continue to support a campus that is 包容 and equitable for all community members through further development of 资源, 服务, 政策, 和程序. 为所有学生改善校园和科技设施, 工作人员, 也有教授与残疾和社会经济相关的问题. Develop strategies to address equity gaps in retention and other success measures for diverse students, 工作人员, 以及教职工人数. 继续将多样性、公平性和包容性融入课程
- Prioritize sustainability initiatives that support resiliency and efficiencies in campus operations
Identify sustainability and climate action initiatives that contribute to cost savings for both the short- and long-term financial health and resilience of the university. Continue ongoing sustainability initiatives that reduce the cost of campus operations through efficiencies, 并支持校园弹性和食品安全方面的努力. Strengthen efforts where sustainability initiatives support and complement campus Diversity, 股本, 包容以及校园健康, 安全, 以及福利倡议. 继续将可持续性融入课程. Strengthen external funding strategies to support campus sustainability goals and commitments.
App State的未来会怎样? 阅读该大学2022-2027年的战略计划, 题为“通过澳门新濠娱乐开户体验激发人类潜能”,” to learn more about the six strategic priorities that will guide App State through the next five years. 该计划还包括澳门赌场导航娱乐的使命、愿景和价值观. 了解更多
App State’s 桥梁战略计划2021-2022 served as a roadmap to strengthen our efforts in pursuit of a shared vision and was designed to help us emerge a better university. 下载大桥策略计划 (PDF 3.6M)
App State’s strategic plan for 2014-2019 — “The Appalachian Experience: Envisioning a just and sustainable future” — served as a recognition that the primary focus of the campus is to transform the lives of our students. 了解更多